

saling pengertian tidak selalu harus saling mengalah, karena saling mengalah belum tentu menjadikan sesuatu menjadi lebih baik.

saling mengalah bukan berarti saling tidak egois
terkadang saling mengalah adalah saling mempertahankan ego, meyakinkan satu sama lain bahwa kebaikan hatinya harus diterima

Thoughtful Love

Am I trapped in a thoughtful love?

So what can be the meaning of thoughtful love?
Is it better than a thoughtless love?

When you were just a teenager, you believed that love is everything that it could banish the obstacles which haunted your days, even the risky things love can handle them.

But as you grow up and mature, you'll see that love needs consideration, love needs strategy and above all, love needs prudence..

But still I can't get the point of relation between thoughtful love and being prudent.
Anyone can help?